Modernism and unreadability

Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée
Langues étrangères
Horizons anglophones. Present perfect
271p. ; 16 x 24 cm ; reliure : Broché
Présentation en anglais Questioning « Modernism and Unreadability » means exploring Modernism from the perspective of one of its most problematic effects : unreadability. Modernism is approached through the lens of texts known to be particularly resistant to interpretation-« borderline » modernist texts which fall de facto under the category of the unreadable, í.e., texts which need to be « unraveled » (Barthes) rather than deciphered. Those texts, now part of literary canon, raise problems of deciphering/comprehension whic defer and displace the question of interpretation. From Stein to Eliot, several canonical texts foil reading, articulation, and commentary. Given its intensity, we need to ask ourselves to what extent modernist unreadability defines a unique historical moment. This latter hypothesis underwrites a polemical of literary history as a succession of breaks made manifest by the emergence of radically new paradigms-such as unreadability-through which Modernist writings question literariness from the angle of literalness, and challenge literature-both as a practise and as a historical institution-to account for itself, to justify its procedures and its tacitly or implicitly held beliefs, to deconstruct the very meaning of writing and reading.
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